Boogie Blogging Friday Featuring Loki and Jynx

Friday, September 18, 2009
When we were visiting my Smart BIL and Hot SIL in Bawlmer last week, we were also visiting their dogs, Jynx and Loki.

This is Jynx. She's a bit willful, being a Jack Russell and all, and has a stiff legged way of prancing around the house that made me joke that she's secretly a member of Hitler's Youth. Which kind of goes along with the willfulness, in a way. Jynx, the jack-booted terrier.

This is Loki. He's still pretty young - just over a year. He's just the sweetest mutt, but he lacks...focus. For example, I was throwing his ball for him outside, and he was chasing it - until one of those white moths flew across his field of vision mid-stride. Then he followed the moth. Ooo! Look! Shiny!
