I'm going to go tour the local Lockheed Martin facility where they manufacture the Atlas rocket.

That's right - the same Atlas Rocket that launched the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. Squee!
Our Smart Friend has a professor who works there and has volunteered to take us. It's a secure facility, so no recording devices are permitted, but you just know the whole thing is going to be off-the-hook COOL.
Perfect! You can ask them if they're part of the NASA conspiracy to cover up the existence of jumpsuited aliens or just patsies. If they try to feign cluelessness, remember to point out you're perfectly aware that NASA's refusal to release original color photographs proves they're up to something. And that you won't be silenced, your online contacts will keep up the fight if you somehow "vanish" during the tour.
The truth is out there!
Um, no. I don't think I'll be doing that.
No, the green color to my skin is not makeup.
Sooooooo Jealous. We toured the Minuteman Facilities in May and was in nerdvana.
Eric, I thought you said "pasties" instead of "patsies". Put a whole new meaning on the post....
Fun for you...
Aliens in pasties? It could happen....
I'm late on the envyage, but...ENVY!
Eric, hush your mouth. Don't make me send out these guys.
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