Happy Birthday, Carl Sagan

Monday, November 9, 2009
Today would have been Carl Sagan's 75th birthday if he hadn't succumbed to cancer in 1996, much too young.

In recognition of his incredible gift for communicating the joy and mystery of science, today is the first annual celebration of "Carl Sagan Day." As a fan of Cosmos and a huge fan of The Demon Haunted World, I'm posting this remix of Carl and Stephen Hawking, called "A Glorious Dawn." 


Carol Elaine said...

I'm listening to "Cosmos" right now:

I can't really watch it, but it still makes for great listening.

Juan Federico said...

I knew a woman who would get turned on by the sound of his voice. Ah me. Happy days.

Janiece said...

John, that would be me.

Juan Federico said...

I did not know you then darling and the woman in question was somewhat older than I. Not younger like you. :)

Janiece said...

Perhaps, but Carl Sagan is almost the epitome of a "Smart Man."


Random Michelle K said...

OK. This Hot Janiece on Zombie Action is worrisome.

mom in northern said...

Has anyone else noticed how very like Sagen voice is to Kermits?

Janiece said...

Michelle, I prefer my Smart Men to be firmly in the "alive" category, thankyouverymuch.

WendyB_09 said...

ah, yes, billions and billions of stars...and we miss Carl since his star went out.