Mechanicky Hats

Sunday, November 1, 2009
As you all know, I'm currently engaged in a hat knitting marathon to benefit the young women at a residential treatment facility called Excelsior here in Colorado, where my Hot Cousin and her daughter volunteer.

Recently frequent commenter and long-time friend The Mechanicky Gal sent me some dough via PayPal to help purchase yarn for this effort. And with the help of my trusty Hobby Lobby 40% off coupon, I was able to purchase an enormous skein of homespun* which I used to make these:

Thanks, Mechanicky Gal!

Anyone else who wants to donate to the cause can send your money to my PayPal account (no more than $10.00, please), or mail your yarn selections to the Big Yellow House.

Now it's back to the loom, and for those of you keeping track (yes, Hot Cousin, I'm looking at you), the Excelsior hat count now stands at 69.

*Can someone please explain to me why homespun is so much more expensive than regular, plain-jane yarn?


Venus Vaughn said...

Ooooh, yarn. *salivates*

I once made a queen-sized blanket for my dad out of Homespun. It was a beautiful, masculine, jewel-toned project that I wish I had a digital image of. But, alas, it was before I had a digital camera and the blanket resides in a different country with my father. But it sure was a handsome blankie.

Can you share a bit about looming? I crochet and have for years, but my eyes and brain keep being teased by the thought of working with a loom. My aunt tried to teach me how to weave before she passed away, but we never invested in any real equipment.

Janiece said...

Venus, I use the standard "Knifty Knitter" round and straight looms for my projects. Mostly because I'm apparently incapable of knitting with needles. No, really - I suck.

You can buy them at most craft stores, and most stores also carry books on how to use them. They're really simple, and kind of mindless, which makes them perfect for when you're watching the tube or sitting on a conference call that requires your concentration but not your active participation.

If you do a search on "Knifty Knitter" there's even YouTube videos on some of the techniques.

zarcht said...

found your blog after googling brookesly born. may get back to your site when i have time. send you the little ditty image i hope to complete this week with her and greenspan.