Alas, Sarah Palin does not realize how utterly stupid she is, as evidenced by her participation in a conservative "documentary" called Media Malpractice: How Obama Got Elected and Sarah Palin Got Smeared. I just can't bring myself to link to that piece of excrescence, so here is Jon Stewart's take on this masterpiece of fair and balanced journalism:
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart | Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c | |||
Blamey Whinehouse | ||||
Here's what I don't get. How has it not occurred to the Palinistas that this woman is just too dumb, too emotionally immature, and too unqualified to have responsibility for anything more serious than her local Teabagger contingent? I just don't get it. Are her "followers" just as dumb and non-reality based as she is? Really? There's that many dumbasses registered to vote in this country? How frightening.
So here's to Sarah Palin, who wins the 'Tard of the Week award for the last time this week. I've decided to eliminate her from the running moving forward, because really - selecting her is like shooting fish in a barrel. Or like shooting wolves from an airplane. Or like coming to a battle of the wits against an unarmed opponent. You understand. She just makes it too damn easy.
So enjoy your "crown," Sarah. Perhaps it's not as prestigious as your "Miss Wasilla" title, but I can guarantee you that it will last considerably longer. You truly are the public personification of the Dunning-Kruger effect. And that's an accomplishment no one can take away from you.
That woman is pretty much the personification of the Dunning-Kruger effect.
She's an embarrassment.
Damn it, the GOP needs a friggin purge. Where's Stalin when you need him?
Where's Stalin when you need him?
He left his undisclosed location and returned to Wyoming.
Eric, you made me choke on my coffee.
Yeah, the whole, "I love newspapers and magazines" statements paired up with the "damn liberal media smearing my name" gave me whiplash.
You know what, I think she and the former Miss California ought to run on the same ticket in 2012. They could call it the Whine Party Line Ticket.
I'm getting tired of the whole, "we didn't get our way, whaaaaa, we're so persecuted for our beliefs" crying these days.
Microsoft now markets a spill resistant keyboard.
Somebody sent me Google Wave and it seems to have cowed Vista.
Warner, Windows 7 seems pretty stable, at least on our network.
Friday I was talking to the tech setting up our network at the office, and he loves Windows 7. Said for him it's been easy to install and upgrade.
As for the other subject, I'm getting ready to fix dinner and don't want to upset my digestion. So my only comment is: she's a stoopid cow who needs to grow up.
Great minds think alike, my dear!
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