CTI (and the Muppets!)

Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Today I'm neck deep in CTI protocols* and the ways they're used in Advanced Contact Center design. Why, yes, that is as dry and boring as it sounds. Thanks for asking.

Thankfully occasional commenter and all-around Hot Chick Naomi linked to this AWESOME video, which is totally MADE OF WIN, thus saving me from the inevitable automatic weapon rampage.  Check it out - you won't be sorry.

*Computer-Telephony Integration, for the uninitiated. Yeah, I kind of wish I didn't know that, either.


Jeri said...

Can I recommend Versed, via IV? I had some last night. As an amnesiac and anti-anxiety drug, it's good stuff. ;)

Carol Elaine said...


(I kept hearing the real words in my head, though. It was a little disconcerting.)

mom in northern said...

Very timely...I needed that...

The Mechanicky Gal said...

Do they generate TPS reports?

Janiece said...

MG, don't make me fly to San Diego and smack you.

TPS reports, indeed.

Jim Wright said...

CTI: Cryptologic Technician - Interpretive.

And I wondered why you were involved with a bunch of Sailors and I thought whoa that new diet has certainly given her new...uh, appetites, but then I realized you were talking about computer protocols and it got a whole lot less interesting.


Janiece said...

Jim, you just never know what's happening here at the Big Yellow House during the day when all the men-folk are gone. Neck deep in sailors is a tame example.

Dr. Phil (Physics) said...

I so totally stole that YouTube link!

Dr. Phil

Jim Wright said...

Neck deep in...

Must. Not. Make. Comment.

Anne C. said...

I love the Muppets! That's a great bit by them.

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