Lazy Day, Productive Day

Sunday, November 15, 2009
Isn't it strange how some days seem like "lazy days" when you get up, but then turn out to be all productive, in spite of your best efforts? Today was that way. I got up thinking the most productive thing I'd do today is make some strawberry jam.  But in addition to making the jam, I've also done some file management tasks on my PC, done most of my homework for this week, listened to a good portion of Karen Armstrong's Buddha, shoveled the driveway and the sidewalk, knitted three hats and now I'm fixing to go upstairs and clean that blasted fish tank*.

It's like I'm being productive in spite of myself. Since I'm in for a long, long week this week, I feel like I should be upset by my inadvertent productivity. Or perhaps I'm just over-thinking things - again.

*I hate that damn fish tank. I keep waiting and waiting for the stupid fish to hurry up and DIE so I can get rid of it, but they insist on living long, healthy lives, and I can't bring myself to kill them. Stupid fish. Stupid Karma.


Anne C. said...

I'm pretty sure you're over thinking it.

Janiece said...

I know. I'm such a dork.

nzforme said...

Oh sure. Rub it in.

Steve Buchheit said...

See, what you need to do is want the fish to live long and happy lives. They'll croak within the week. Always worked for me.

Venus Vaughn said...

Hee hee hee. I totally get it about waiting for the fish to die. I maintained a tank for 8 years and had one goldfish that tried to die for about a year while I watched in horrified fascination as it managed to keep on swimming without fins.

Then I thought I'd try again with guppies. What was I thinking? I'm now happily tank free, but I know I'll eventually succumb again.

MWT said...

*shock! gasp! horror!* o.O Long live the fishies!

You could always just sell them back to the fish store, you know. ;)

Janiece said...

MWT, PetSmart won't buy them back because they're too big. Unfortunately.