Boogie Blogging Friday, Doggy Jail Edition

Friday, January 29, 2010

While we're attending my Grandmother's service, the Incomparable Boogie™ is stuck in Doggy Jail at City Bark. Being the grumpy old man that he is, he will not be participating in doggy day care or any other reindeer games, but will instead enjoy time with the dog-friendly staff who will kiss him and love him and call him George.

Boogie is not very impressed with this turn of events, but I trust he'll be safe while there in spite of his emotional distress at having to sleep somewhere OTHER THAN THE FUTON, WHICH IS CLEARLY A VIOLATION OF HIS DOGGY RIGHTS, YOU KNOW.

Poor, abused Boogie.


Anne C. said...

Poor, long suffering Boogie! ;)

Steve Buchheit said...

Good things dogs forget easily.