“We are each our own devil, and we make this world our Hell.”

Sunday, January 24, 2010
Updated 1/24/2010, 1:15 p.m. Thanks to the most fabulous Random Michelle, my box has been plotted, and my project nears completion. Thanks, Michelle!

UCF Howard - Activate!  


Thank you for the insight, Oscar Wilde - I've decided to inhabit my personal hell with my new personal nemesis: Box Plots in Excel.

I've been trying to create a box plot in excel from the data I gathered for my statistics project that you all so kindly contributed to. I've been trying to do it based on the instructions found here, but my output does not in fact resemble the output given in the example. I only have one series of values, so you'd think the process would be easier, not harder, but when I try to add the "whiskers," the wheels come off the bus and I get something...else.

Stupid statistics. Stupid Excel.

If anyone has instructions on how to create box plots in Excel, I'd appreciate you sending it along to hotchicksdigsmartmen at comcast dot net, or leaving a link in the comments.Obviously I need some assistance in beating back the darkness, so to speak.

Happy Sunday, Hot Chicks and Smart Men.


WendyB_09 said...

Gee, haven't done graphs of any kind for a while.
Which version of Excel are you using?

Janiece said...

Wendy, I'm using 2007, and IMing with Random Michelle, who is guiding me through the Labyrinth.

Because she RAWKS that way.

Anne C. said...

So, you're Sarah and Michelle is Hoggle? Can I be Ludo? :D

Good luck, hon. I'm wrestling with Revit, a kind of 3-D drafting program. Woo. Hoo.

Fathergoose said...

Try this link:


WendyB_09 said...

Ah, good to know you were being helped whilest I was dealing with a power outage from our weird weather.