Updated 1/19/2010 6:50 a.m.: I still need about 5 more samples for this project. C'mon, all you lurkers - send me an e:mail. :-)
So I've decided my methodology for my statistics project blew big chunks, and so now I'm going to start over.
I know, I know. All you RSS folks clicked through and participated, and now I CAN'T USE YOUR DATA. I SUCK.
Sorry. Still learning and all that. Here's what I need: Specific ages of all participants, so that I can manipulate the data in cool graphs and charts.
Please either leave your age in the comments, or send me an e:mail at hotchicksdigsmartmen at comcast dot net and tell me your age. I need between 40 and 50 responses to complete my project, and every comment or e:mail will be entered in the random drawing for the jam sampler.
Thanks again, Hot Chicks and Smart Men, and I'm sorry for the run-around.
I'd be happy to help you in whatever way I can. I'm 47.
Definitely a better method. :)
I'm 39.
I'm 48.
Last time I cut off my arm I had 43 rings.
I'm 43ish (will be 44 in a couple of months - use which ever age works for you).
Just recently 44, which doesn't feel any wiser than 43, really.
38, 39 in less than 6 weeks.
55 going on 12.
I am 46, but as of Sunday - 47! So take your pick!
(NOT a hint for loot, but if anyone feels so inclined...)
Freshly 42. I am still waiting to "get" the meaning of life.
39 and a half.
Just like I'm 5' 7.5"
Halves are important.
John's trying to fuck up your sample!
(And it's depressing that putting 40 in twice might make us skew younger.)
I still need more samples, youse guys. I'm currently at 22, and I need at least 40.
And I'm only counting John once...
I'm 62.
Dr. Phil
Since I answered the original poll, too, does this give me a second entry in the Jam-Stakes?
nzforme, you may only enter once, John's attempts to skew the results aside...
Michelle, I'm 5'4.75" inches, so I just round up to 5'5" - close enough, especially since people tend to think I'm taller anyway.
Still don't know what I want to be when I grow up...
Why not include the family?
That should get your required number.
44 and change...
I am 38
Wife is 49
Children are 13, and 12
Not sure if you want family members or simply posters, but there are some numbers for you.
I'm 45.
I am 60.
Rats, I missed the original poll. I'm 43. Someone made my day today by saying that she thought I was 35. Yay!
As for John -- you should count him as 80 for double-dipping...
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