I suspect that my tulips are coming up way too early this year, and will subsequently freeze their little asses off during one of our inevitable Spring storms.
This saddens me, because I really like Tulips and I don't want the blossoms to die a cold, miserable death.
This also saddens me because the appearance of these leaves means I need to get off my ass and clean out the flower beds for the upcoming growing season. Since I'm fundamentally lazy, I am not looking forward to this endeavor. I need a gardener. And a house servant. And a pool boy.
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I need a gardener. And a house servant. And a pool boy.
Best of luck on that.
I wouldn't bother with cleaning out this weekend. Take some time off and go play with Smart Man. I officially give your permission to blow it off. Mostly bc I know you sit around waiting for my approval....Have a great day Janeice!
I've got to go out and trim the hell out of 6 rose bushes today. Two of them have horribly thick and stiff thorns, so profuse bleeding will be involved.
I'd much rather be cleaning slimy shit out of roof gutters.
Well if I was closer I'd help with the gardening stuff. I love to play in the dirt again as one local nursery jingle goes, but as an apartment dweller have little chance these days. Several friends here have used me for garden slave labor over the years...I work cheap with the promise of produce to come!
There is hope though. They're supposed to be cleaning out the old community garden here at the complex. I've got my name in for a slot so I may get my wish. At least I could do squash, cukes & tomatoes! And Gerbera Daisies. Need a little color in the garden.
Now if I could just find a pool boy and house servant.
Mmmmmm... Pool boy...
Today we went and saw Shutter Island and then came home and cleaned out the fridge.
Because we're wild and crazy that way.
NOW do you see why I need a pool boy?
Don't you need a pool first?
Or am I missing something?
Michelle, you're missing something.
Something like a 6'2" bronzed pool boy at my beck and call.
Who the hell needs a pool to enjoy that?
Hey, hands off...I'm claiming the AussieBum pool boy vince highlighted the other day on his site.
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