One More Time!

Saturday, March 6, 2010
Updated 3/6/2010 5:45 p.m.: You guys RAWK. I have all the data points I need, so I'm closing the poll and putting this entry back in date order. Thanks so much for your assistance, and as soon as I actually get around to making some jam, I'll pick the random winners and post the results.


I have one more statistics project to complete before I'm done with this infernal class, and once again, I need the help of my FABULOUS READERS.

This project relates to conducting a hypothesis test, and in order to gather a data set, I'm conducting another poll. This time I'm examining the educational level of the readers here at Hot Chicks Dig Smart Men. Please answer the poll as to what is the last year of formal education you've completed. If you're mid-year, please round up or down, depending on how much you've done. Additionally, the years as given assume full time student status, with the numeral "14," for example, indicating that you have either earned an Associate's degree or have completed your sophomore year of college. So people on the 30 year plan (like me) should use their academic credits to determine the academic year.

I'd greatly appreciate it if everyone would please participate so that I get a large enough sample for my project. Yes, lurkers and RSS feed readers, I am looking at you. IT WON'T KILL YOU THIS ONE TIME TO CLICK THROUGH AND PARTICIPATE IN THIS POLL.

Thanks, all. I'll be leaving this post at the top of the page for a bit to give the poll the best chance of gathering a representative sample. As an impetus to encourage people to vote, I will be giving away either a homemade jam sampler or a knitted hat and scarf set (winner's choice) to two randomly selected participants after the poll closes. If you want to be included in the "drawing" for that, please leave a comment on this post, send me an e:mail at hotchicksdigsmartmen at comcast dot net, or leave me a comment on Facebook on the blog link. I'm good for it - ask Wendy and Skatĉjo, winners of my last random statistics related drawing. Thanks, Hot Chicks and Smart Men!


Megan said...


Phiala said...

I tried to pick one, but after pushing the button I've gotten "loading" for the past 5-10 minutes. So if a 22 doesn't show up, then you can add one to the dataset. It's not cheating; it's correcting for equipment failure.

I'm not sure you got the high end high enough - I did my degrees very efficiently, and still am only 2 years down from the highest you included. I know plenty of 7+ year PhDs who'd be beyond the upper end.

And also? 22 years as a full-time student? That's insane! (And that didn't count kindergarden or preschool, since your example didn't either.) What was I thinking???

And finally, I'd like to win some jam! *grin*

Janiece said...

Thanks, Phiala. I was trying to be somewhat conservative in my choices, so I chose 24 as the high end to represent M.D.'s who follow the traditional path (12 years primary, 4 years undergrad, 4 years medical school, 4 years intern/residency). I'm aware that some Ph.D students take far longer, depending on the discipline (and the discipline, hehe), but really, I just need a data set. In this particular case, the PROCESS is the thing, rather than the RESULT.

I think your input was recorded, BTW, and I've entered you in the drawing. It's interesting, actually - I have 15 participants thus far, and only three entries for jam. Maybe my world-famous apple butter isn't as world-famous as I think it is...

Skatĉjo said...


I consider myself out of the running for the jam, since I

1) Won the last random drawing, and
2) Still have three and a half jars.

Make no mistake, Hot/Smart Readers: this is REALLY good jam. You want some, even if you don't realize it yet. Take the poll.

Random Michelle K said...

Well... I was on the 6 year plan for undergraduate, however, I had enough *credits* to graduate after 4 years. So I really was in school full time for six years as an undergraduate.

I never went full time for my post graduate, but I did finish all my course work--I just never did the practicum. So is that 18 or 20 years? I erred on the side of caution and said 18, even though course-wise it's at least 20. (I took classes before getting into the MPH program, just because I like learning.)

Phiala said...

Good. I finally gave up on it; glad my contribution is there.

And I'm sure you covered the vast majority of people - more than 8 years of grad school is a bit extreme. :)

neurondoc said...

Oops, then I did it WRONG. I didn't count internship/residency/fellowship. I initially counted only through med school (20 freaking years). To keep your sample accurate, you should subtract a 20 and add a 25. :-) What the hell was I thinking all those years???

neurondoc said...

And I want in on the jam contest. Mmmm, jam.

Janiece said...

Will do, Neurondoc.

Steve Buchheit said...

Random Michelle, you weren't the only one on that college plan. For the poll, I also didn't include the things that could be categorized as CEUs or anything like that. Just stuff that ended in a degree (not certification).

WendyB_09 said...

Yes, folks, the jam is yummy!!

Nom, nom, the the store to get more interesting things to put Hot Chick's jam on...

Jan in CT said...

Hi Janiece, I put a voted a 20, but on second thought "full time equivalent" probably should be 18. So, if it's important, please make the correction. BTW, I'm definitely in it for the jam.


nzforme said...

Jam-stakes entry please.

(I had the opposite problem as Random Michelle K. Did a 4-year degree in three years. Ditto skipping a year earlier in my education. But I figured you were going for the actual degree level, not the time it took me to get it.)

Do you get the feeling that a statistical sample group OTHER than your readers would have fewer issues with answering such a relatively simple question?

Phiala said...

But if you go with actual years it makes a more interesting statistical sample, as otherwise you get enormous spikes at 12, 16, and subsequent even numbers. Bring on the odd numbers!

And yes, I'm sure if you took a random sample of the internet it would be much less argumentative. More boring too.

Janiece said...

You guys crack me up.

You aren't the only one over-analyzing the question. I designed 3 polls before I decided on this, the most simple, of the three. Now I think I might have had it right the first time when I designed a more byzantine way of gathering the data.

Because my readers are nothing if not byzantine.

David said...

I picked 24 because it was as close as my "PhD via two schools, three states, marriage and family" plan came to your options. I made it with 6 weeks to spare before the university would have kicked me out for taking too long. Now I'm an ad-hoc professor - I like to tell people I'm a temp, but on a very high level.

Janiece said...

Hi David. I'm already making manual adjustments, so if you have a number that more accurately represents your full time equivalent, leave me a note and I'll subtract your "24" and put in your new value.

vince said...

I actually loved statistics. It's math, you know.

I have added by data point for you. Hope this all goes well.

The Mechanicky Gal said...

Ahhh, I'm too late.
But what really had me thinking was this:
Does my Spanish class count as a year (it really FELT like it), does it count at all as Theresa and I went and sat in the back of the class (yes, we were THOSE students), and I only really learned to say "The dog is very delicious" with proper tongue-rolling and emotion.
It really stumped me.

Janiece said...

Amy, I have no gift for language, so I feel your pain. In spite of all the time we spent in the far east, the only thing I ever learned to say in Japanese was, "If you loved me, you wouldn't make me eat sashimi."

And now I don't even remember that.

David said...

Hi Janiece -

When I do the math, I end up with 27.5 as my total. No wonder I was so tired at the end of it.


Anne C. said...

"If you loved me, you wouldn't make me eat sashimi."

Which is why you and the SmartMan are such a perfect pair. You say that and he says, "No problem! More sashimi for me!" ;)