You're Killing Me, Smalls

Wednesday, March 10, 2010
I know I promised a return to sunshine and puppies today. So here's a cute puppy named Sunshine:
Isn't she cute?  Aww. Now - on to why SOMEONE IS TRYING TO KILL ME.

When President Obama named former Senator Ken Salazar to the post of the Secretary of the Interior, our Democratic Governor appointed the former Superintendent of Denver Public Schools, a man named Michael Bennett, to fill his seat. So far Senator Bennett appears to be doing a fairly decent job, at least from my perspective, but he faces an election in the fall.

Of course, the Republicans are all frothing at the mouth in order to run against him. Personally, I don't really care who ends up with the nomination, because it's most unlikely I'd vote for a Republican in today's climate. But now I have to deal with political television ads. In March.

The front runner is a woman named Jane Norton, and she's already running attack ads here in Colorado to put herself forward as the candidate of choice for REAL CONSERVATIVES. Her ad includes details on how she defunded Planned Parenthood and is a real fiscal conservative, unlike EVERYONE ELSE ON THE PLANET.

According to the Smart Man, she's a regular guest on the morning AM talk radio program here in Denver, and she is dumber than a box of rocks. Stupid, stupid, stupid. Colorado's own Sarah Palin stupid.* I don't really care how dumb she is - I just don't want to start seeing political ads eight months before a frickin' mid-term election.

You're killing me, Smalls. YOU'RE FUCKING KILLING ME. Someone needs to break out the Shovel of Doom™ on this broad.

*Of course, she'll probably end up being my Senator, because my opinion of the federal government really isn't hellish enough at this point. I can't wait. Really.


Fathergoose said...

I agree March is way to early for this. Michael Bennett seems to think I am his best friend, he calls me nearly every day. However like most politicians he only talks, never listens. And that Norton lady just sounds angry!

Janiece said...

Fathergoose, isn't that funny? You have a somewhat conservative bent, and Democrat Michael Bennett robo-calls you. I have a liberal bent, and Republican Jane Norton robo-calls me.

u r doing it rong, politicians.

Fathergoose said...

That is so funny, that you think I have a Conservative bent. While most Conservative I know, think I am a bleeding heart liberal. So often it seems that if you do not see eye-to-eye with someone you must be ageist them.

Tell Jane hello for me next time she calls.

Can't decide what caucus to go to next week, I think the R's will be more entertaining!

Janiece said...

Fathergoose, I should have been more specific - you're a conservative compared to me, at least based on my admittedly limited exposure to you here.

And it's all comparative, yes? Mom in Northern is a bleeding heart compared to her friends from Texas, and I'm a bleeding heart compared to her, and Eric's a bleeding heart compared me, etc., ad naseum.

And being more conservative than me doesn't mean you're "against" me. It means your opinions are more conservative, relatively speaking, than mine, on certain topics. I try hard not to get into that kind "YOU'RE WITH US OR AGAINST US" B.S., if you know what I mean.

WendyB_09 said...

Not only have we gotten the occassional pre-pre-primary governor's race crap, we have 8 lines at the office and ALL of them got robo-called by the 2010 Census first thing this morning!!

Really. In reverse order, but it started with line 8 and went in exact order to line 1. We were still cracking up when the first of the attorney's walked in and we had to stop laughing to tell them what was up.