Today's the Day

Sunday, March 21, 2010
Today's the day. The day the House of Representatives will have an up or down vote on health care reform.

Some say the Dems have the votes, it'll pass. Others say they don't.

The legislation's not perfect - I would have strongly preferred a public option. I would have strongly preferred the insurance companies didn't make out like bandits.

But it's better than nothing, and it addresses some really important problems in health care such as insurance for young adults, not being denied for preexisting conditions, and not being dropped from you policy if you become ill.

My biggest fear? That it won't pass, and the debate will be shelved for ten or twenty more years. That would be the one outcome I don't think I could bear.


Jim Wright said...

Yeah, at this point I'm frankly surprised that the Insurance Companies aren't throwing their money and effort behind the bill.

But despite the amount of new customers they stand to gain, they can't handle the idea that they can't discriminate any more.

nzforme said...

It passed! Hooray!

Now, back to the Senate. :)