Well, Shut My Mouth

Monday, March 8, 2010
I find I am pleasantly surprised at Senator Ashburn's honesty.

Good luck to him in his future endeavors, and I hope he finds a way to deal with his identity and his own feelings about it.


Nathan said...

You're more generous than I am. His comment that he was just voting the way his constituents wanted him to is a copout. In this case, he's just acknowledging something he couldn't keep secret any more.

I'm not terribly sympathetic.

nzforme said...

I'm glad he's genuinely come out, rather than saying it was some sort of slip or experimentation, or that he needs to be "cured," or some such other nonsense. For someone who has taken an anti-homosexual rights position to actually admit that he's gay -- and therefore tacitly admit that orientation is a matter of identity rather than choice -- well, that's a step in the right direction.

Still, he'd get substantially more credit from me if he'd done it BEFORE he got caught.

Anne C. said...

I can see what you're talking about, Nathan, but in a way, he's right. He presented himself as X and got elected under that (false) persona. People elected him for those conservative values. They would in turn expect him to vote according to those values.

If he was wasn't elected using a conservative values platform, I'll say you have a point, but I'm guessing that in today's political climate, he was.

Matt said...

Gotta say, Janiece, you're being nicer than me here. I am laughing my socially liberal ass off, fiscally conservative ass off at the good (not so much)senator. This hypocritical asshat has made a loud, long crusade against equal treatment under the law for gays and lesbians. He's also "coming out" because he got caught and . . . wait for it . . . is "maintaining his christian faith and asks his friends to pray for him." I sense a prayerful "cure" is this snake in the grass's future. See . . . people like his make me stabby too!