Usually when someone writes something that I believe is especially thought provoking or entertaining, I simply "share" the URL through my "Smart People Speak" widget there on the sidebar. Occasionally, however, I feel the need to direct my readers to a piece in a less passive way.
This is one of those times.
Perhaps it's because I've been listening to Cory Doctorow's Little Brother, and it's making me a bit paranoid, but I found Eric's piece about the new McCain Lieberman bill entitled American Terror simply, well, terrifying. Eric's a criminal defense attorney, and knows whereof he speaks.
Head on over and get the pants scared off of you by this INSANE CLOWN POSSE piece of legislation. My next stop? Notes to my Senators, to ensure they're aware I am not, in any way, okay with sacrificing my civil liberties any further in the name of "safety."
Join me, won't you? Perhaps we could meet on the X-Net...
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As I was reading that post, I couldn't help but hear "The Imperial March" in my head (you know, the music they always play when Darth Vader makes an entrance).
No, no - that's Dick Cheney's theme music.
Thanks for the plug, Janiece.
Yeah, it's a really disturbing piece of half-assed legislation, all political knee-jerking with very little concern for the Constitution. And, ironically, very little concern for the practical consequences, either--even if you could set the Constitutional problems aside (and nobody should), it makes Americans less safe by reducing what we can do about actual terrorists. It's a really screwed-up piece of work whether you come at it from a civil liberties or national security perspective.
(And honestly, I hate writing sentences like that last one, because it's not a zero-sum game where we have to choose between liberty and safety. Arrgh.)
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