Boogie Blogging Friday

Friday, January 9, 2009

That's his favorite ball in the background. In its previous life, it was a tennis ball, but he peeled all the fabric off and now its much more bouncy and fun.

My dog is weird.


Random Michelle K said...

It's not just Boogie.

My parent's house is filled with denuded tennis balls that are eventually ripped apart and lost in the woods.

Shawn Powers said...

Our dog, Tux, prefers to rip the covering off stuffed animals, tennis balls, and anything else he can.

And then play with the covering. O.o

WendyB_09 said...

Whilest I am dogless at the moment; my last dog once took umbrage with a couch cushion...

which is how we arrived home to find out living room covered in shredded foam snow...too funny for words, we couldn't even scold her!

Janiece said...

Wendy, Boogie's an older dog, and at this point, he only destroys his own belongings.