In any event, I've been thinking about my goals and priorities for the year. I don't typically make "resolutions," per se, as I tend to dump them on their heads. Goals, however, are a girl's best friend. Here are the things I've done this year that I need to continue to do:
- Blog here at Hot Chicks Dig Smart Men. Because really, this is one of the best parts of my day, and my on-line community has come to mean a great deal to me. Even if you are all aggressive, vulgar, super-secret purveyors of government suppression. Bastards.
- Exercise 3-5 days a week. Feel free to ignore the bitching and whining about this one - I do it because it's good for the Mad Cow, but that doesn't mean I like it.
- Take classes at DU. I really do enjoy school, in spite of my crying about certain...scenarios...this year.
- Fight the good fight on topics which I consider to be important. This will include ID taught in public schools, separation of church and state, general dumbassery, and rampant discrimination.
- Pay more attention to my nutrition. We loves the junk food, precious, yes, we does. I need to lay off the salties and the sweeties, and get my weight under control. Otherwise I really will need government funding to get my ass on an commercial airline.
- Be a graceful parent. The Smart Twins will become adults this year. Just because I have more experience does not obligate them, as adults, to do things my way. I will accept this with grace.
- Spend more time with friends. While I think I made progress on this in 2008, I want to make more progress in 2009.
- Remain employed. I may or may not have control over this one, but I intend to do the right things on the issues over which I have some control.
Stupid economy. Stupid Maslow.
Because what I really want is to get a degree in Public Policy and then go to Law School.
Have a fabulous New Year, Hot Chicks and Smart Men, and may good fortune find you.
Yay for blogging! Yay for Smart Chicks! Yay for 2009!
And the advice my doctor gave me was to aim to exercise five days a week. If you miss a day you've still got four days, but if you aim for three days and miss one...
If you need some harassment about exercise, I'm your woman. ;)
Michelle, that's why I wrote "3-5 days a week."
Typically I exercise every day that I work, which gives me some wiggle room.
I rarely go less than 3 days a week.
So I think I'm good.
On an unrelated note, I like Tree Lobsters.
In order to advance #3 of your new list, I propose we get together soonish. I need some shoes, on sale (this economy is crimpin' my style, man), and I think you're the right woman to provide snark and fun while looking for them. :)
Will send email.
Anne, does that mean you'd like the shoe-related prezzie rather than the trip for your Auntie Anne and Baron-Watch 2008?
Great resolutions! I feel guilty. Not guilty enough to write my own though. ;)
No, I think a trip sounds better. I wouldn't mind your company in Off Broadway or someplace like that though. :)
Anne, you're on.
Let me know when/where...
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