Ricardo Montalbán, 1920 - 2009

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

You were smokin', dude, even in your 60s. And you were apparently a good and decent man who stayed married to the same woman for 63 years and contributed to his community.

Rest in Peace.


Anonymous said...

Man, that sucks. So soon after Patrick McGoohan too. :(

I'm going to have to go by the Ricardo Montalbán Theatre tonight or tomorrow night and pay my respects.

Tania said...

He always seemed like a charming and amusing fellow. I especially liked the way he said "Corinthian Leather".

mom in northern said...

Be it noted that he was a champion for the hespanic population before it became cool. There were a lot of years when he could get a job because of it...

mom in northern said...

That last should read
"He could NOT get a job"

Can you tell I am tired tonight...

To many classes today..

WendyB_09 said...

I saw it on the news earlier. I can't believe Kahn is gone! Loved him in just about everything I ever saw him in.

And the original Star Trek episode when Kahn first shows up was on here last weekend. Pretty sure Wrath of Kahn will show up pretty quick on one of the movie channels! Or I may just have to go buy it as a tribure.