Who Cares? Magazine, Volume 3, Issue 2

Friday, January 9, 2009

Marc and J. Lo deny marriage trouble, but insiders reveal things are not as idyllic as the couple would have you believe! Will they split? Who will get the money? The twins? Who Cares!


Jim Wright said...

I'm pretty sure I don't care.

J. Lo who?

The Mechanicky Gal said...

I'm distressed!
No, not really.

Random Michelle K said...

Am I the only one who thinks he's kinda creepy looking?

Janiece said...

Michelle, you're not alone.

"Cadaverous" is the word that comes to mind.

Random Michelle K said...

Cadaverous I think is too nice a word.

Death warmed over seems a little more accurate.

Janiece said...

Well, I thought he was pretty good in Man on Fire. Other than that? Meh.