Boogie Blogging Friday, Attack of the Yarn Edition

Friday, February 5, 2010

The other day I was working, and my knitting bag was on a chair next to my desk. The Boogie-Dog came over to say hello, and when next I turned around, he had managed to snag my yarn and get it wrapped around his legs and face.

Silly dog.


mfheadcase said...

Heh, this pretty much calls for a caption, something along the lines of, "There may have been an error in judgment."

Just because Boogie strikes me as the dog who would use proper spelling and grammar.

Stacey said...

Thanks Janeice - a got a good chuckle out of this one (don't tell Boogie).

WendyB_09 said...

And here all this time I thought it was cats that played with yarn.
Silly me.

Nathan said...

I think you're doing it rwong. Have you considered investing in a yarn winder?

Teacher and Learner said...

He's part cat right? All my critters over the years got into my yarn and fabric every chance they got.