All the news I hear these days seems to revolve around how partisan bickering in our nation's capital is preventing any kind of progress in addressing the biggest problems of our generation: The national deficit. Health care reform. Economic recovery. Instead of coming to some sort of compromise in order to provide some relief in these areas, those who serve us in the Federal government continue to cut our noses off to spite our face in order to make the other guys look ineffective and incompetent.
Like Azrael in Dogma, these partisan hacks will let the universe (or at least the United States) burn so long as it propels their personal agenda forward. Aside from the utter short-sightedness of such a world-view, I have to say it's probably the most immoral point of view I've ever heard (sans Azrael). These people are in the business of "public service," and yet they would demonstrably sacrifice the public good in order to serve their partisan agenda.
And here's the thing - at what point does the incredible childishness of these self-serving fucknuts turn all of us into raving, populist nitwits like the Tea-Baggers? Every time I read the news, my fury grows, and I find myself feeling more betrayed, more disgusted, more cynical with our system to the point where I'm seriously considering supporting a Constitutional Convention.*
This week, the President has organized a bipartisan meeting to discuss the moribund Health Care Reform issue. Democrats and Republicans are already playing "nanny-nanny-boo-boo" as they approach this "summit," and I would be VERY surprised if anything useful or actionable comes from it.
But because I'm an opinionated git, I would like to make the following points to those who supposedly serve the public in our nation's capital:
- I am not a child. I am perfectly aware that entitlements and services cost money, and that the forecast of our expenditures far exceeds our income. I realize that in order to continue (or enhance) entitlements and services, taxes will have to be increased. That is why I'm a tax and spend liberal. Because I understand these things, and firmly believe a balanced budget is that pearl of great price. Choosing not to address these issues because you think I can't understand the reality of the situation implies something about our relationship that does not bear close examination. Let's talk about raising the age for entitlements, let's talk about reducing entitlements for those who have enough money to buy a small island, let's talk about increasing taxes. I'm ready to have those discussions, and you sticking your fingers in your ears (LALALALA I CAN'T HEAR YOU) is not going to result in a favorable outcome, you 'tard.
- You are not a child, although you're sure acting like one. Name-calling, engaging in zero-sum games, and generally poking the pooch when you're supposed to be serving the public good just convinces everyone that retards like the Tea-Baggers are CORRECT that you really don't have any business in a position of authority. Pull your fucking head out of your ass, curb your ego, and remember that your first loyalty should be to the American public, not your fucking political party.
- I am not an idiot. Your constant pandering to the lowest common denominator, to the large minority whose support you require at this moment, or those who have money in the quantity you need to get re-elected is TRANSPARENT. Really - who do you think you're fooling?
- Learn the fine art of compromise. Seriously. You're not always going to get your way, and in order to govern with any kind of effectiveness, you're going to have to give up something you may think is important in order to make some kind of progress. I would think this skill would be fundamental for a politician, but based on your current performance, a remedial course is evidently in order.
Where are the people of courage who will stand up and speak the truth? Where's Lyndon B. Johnson when you need him? Oh, that's right. He's dead. And I'm afraid his vision and drive died with him.
*See: Citizens United v. the Federal Election Commission.
Or, I don't know, instead of maybe always talking about cutting Social Security and Medicare, increase the wages that are taxed for these to match the point where the Alternative Minimum Tax is applied. That way solving three problems (funding the programs, and adjusting the AMT threshold upward in a meaningful way).
But, yeah, the whole "We're not sure that's what we want," or "IT'S A TRAP!" arguments about the meeting on Thursday have just grown old before the meeting even got off the ground.
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