Sixteen Hours...

Wednesday, February 3, 2010
...of my life I'll never get back.

I'm a huge fan of learning. I love going to college, attending technical classes, and reading about new things.


There is one thing I don't care for, however, and that's what's commonly referred to as "soft skills" training. This can be anything from "customer service skills" to "EEO" to "sales training." All of them have this result with me:

Unfortunately, part of being a corporate shill is that these classes are mandatory at various points. Points like today and tomorrow, where I will be held captive in a corporate conference room for 16 hours of sales training. It's quite possible that I will gnaw off my own leg in order to escape, but I will try and restrain myself in the interests of maintaining a healthy body for our upcoming UCF gathering, Seattle edition. If I show up with a bloody stump, I may get voted off the island.


Nathan said...


In the unfortunate event that your head does explode prior to our UCF Seattle Meat-Up, please let us know prior to that unfortunate occurrence what your drink of choice will be. I'm sure you can count on all of us to take turns pouring said drink down your stump for you.

Also, please bring an appropriate hand-operated noise maker so that we can keep track of you and avoid leaving you helpless in any bars.

An ounce of prevention...

Phiala said...

I work for the government. You can extrapolate the number of hours I spend in such activities from that single datum.

Fortunately I have trained the admin staff here that allowing me to bring knitting both cuts down on the yelling and keeps me from falling asleep. Most of our training is webcasts, so the trainer never even knows.

Fathergoose said...

I would think those "Soft Skills" would help in "mixed company"

neurondoc said...

Yuck. Better you than me, at least from my perspective.

I'm trying to decide if gnawing a leg off or an arm off would be worse.

WendyB_09 said...

During the last webinar I took, I ran down to the Chik-fil-A in the lobby during the first break and sat eating my lunch while listening to the instructor and clicking through the powerpoint.

Who knew? nobody.

Who'd it hurt? nobody!!

Janiece said...

I decided to gnaw off my arm, instead.

One more more day.

Jim Wright said...

Soft Skills?



Don't they make a pill for that now?

Janiece said...

Jim, those pills only work for men.

Get with the program.