Seattle, Where "Sea" food is in the Name of the Place

Friday, February 12, 2010
Almost RIGHT AT THIS VERY MINUTE The Smart Man and I have boarded an airplane for Seattle and are waiting for the craft to push away from the gate. (Note to potential robbers of the Big Yellow House: Boogie the Giant Schnauzer is on duty, accompanied by my Hot Mom. Don't mess with the Boogie. He may be a dork, but he's a big dork, and he's none too fond of strangers he hasn't been introduced to.)

We're leaving, of course, for the 2010 UCF-palooza at the lovely Jeri's place. I really need a break from work right now (the less said about that, the better), and I'm excited to see Jeri and Tania again, and to meet Nathan and Tom for the first time. Unfortunately, Michelle and Michael are snowed in, and will not be in attendance.

(Insert booing, hissing, gnashing of teeth, rending of garments and general glumness here.)

The only thing I really want to do while in Seattle is go to a fabulous, funky shoe store that Jeri and Tania recommended. The name escapes me, but I checked out their website when it came up, and decided I HAD TO GO THERE OR I WOULD DIE. Perhaps someone who knows of what I speak can link in the comments, since I'm clearly being victimized by the Mad Cow today.*

The other thing, of course, is SEA FOOD. The Smart Man and I just loves us some sea food (he likes his raw, me, not so much), and we're looking forward to enjoying some while we're there. I'm just a cheap 'ho when it comes to the crab cakes, so hopefully there'll be some in my future.

We'll be live blogging the event, with pictures, for the edification of the UCFers that weren't able to attend. Whee!

*And every day, really, but it would be unkind for you to say so.


Shawn Powers said...

I had my first mussels in the Pacific Northwest, and they are wonderful. I sorta want some right now... GRRRRR...

Stacey said...

Have a wonderful time! I can't wait to see the updates!

kimby said...

Can't wait for those of us in the UCF that can't get there can feel like we are there with you!

Have fun!!!!

Carol Elaine said...

Unbelievably jealous for me, but very happy for y'all. Have fun!

(Next week Shawn and I will be meeting up, so I'm excited about that!)

WendyB_09 said...

We're waiting on the Southern Snow Disaster at the moment. 1-3 inches causes panic at the grocery stores. Hope there are a few things left when I get there at 4-ish. lots of seafood & drink something tasty for me!!
I'm there in spirits if not in body. You can also call and harass me if it becomes required...I'm an Olympics 'ho and will be in front of the TV for most of my free time the next 2 weeks!!

All together now...USA...USA...

mattw said...

Can't wait to see the pictures.

neurondoc said...

Are we there yet? Have a great time. I'm a sushi 'ho, as you know, but crab is almost right up there...

Anne C. said...

Super jealous! Especially of the fabulous sushi you're (OK, the Smart Man is) having and the supercalifragilistic UCF company you are in. Say hi for me. :/

MWT said...

Speaking of snow, Savannah got some too. About a quarter inch or so I think. It's already all melted though.

Glad everyone is having a good time so far. :)