Whaa...Huh? Part Deux

Sunday, February 7, 2010

This is an ad that's playing in California right now, supporting former HP CEO Carly Fiorina, who wants to be a Senator. I have no opinion on whether or not Carly or Tom is a better candidate - I'm neither a Californian or a Republican, so learning about either candidate seems a waste of time for me.

However, this ad is just so bizarre I had to embed it. It's apparently sponsored the FCINO (Fiscal Conservative In Name Only) group, and the strangeness begins at about 2:21. Who thought this was a good idea? Yikes.


Eric said...

The version of this video on YouTube mashing the ad up with Pink Floyd's "Sheep" only loses points for being too easy and obvious and only being able to use about half the song.

Random Michelle K said...

I kinda like the demon sandperson sheep.

Janiece said...

I thought of it as a "cylon-sheep."

Anne C. said...

Hee! I love the cylon sheep.

And really, why sheep? Is there some subliminal message there like "be a sheep, don't think about it, just do what we say..." Very strange.

neurondoc said...
