Hey, Tom Tancredo - You're a Dumbass

Thursday, December 6, 2007
On November 26th, Jim made an entry over at Stonekettle Station about the government demanding repayment of enlistment bonuses of those no longer able to serve due to combat injury.

Naturally I was quite incensed at this news, and immediately contacted both my senators, my representative, and the President to express my displeasure and demand action. Action, I say!

Well, what should appear in my mailbox this afternoon but a form letter response from my representative, whom I'm embarrassed to say is Tom Tancredo (hey, don't blame me. I didn't vote for the whack-job).

Well, guess what, Tom? I'm not even a little impressed with your response. Do you want to know why? Your dumbass staff sent me a form letter reassuring me what a stand-up guy you are regarding veteran's health care.

Well, gee, I'm so glad to hear that, Tom. Too bad my own correspondence was only tangentially related to veteran's health care. For your next correspondence, should I expect a note about the importance of using zip codes?

What a tool.

I guess I shouldn't be surprised. Dumbass politicians tend to hire dumbass staffs. Lucky me.


The Mechanicky Gal said...

Janiece, this is SO the forum for you!

Janiece said...

Yeah. A place where I can name-call and express my opinions without editorial control.

What's not to love?

Jim Wright said...

Unfortunately Tancredo's response (or rather, his staff's response) is par for the course. That being the reason we're in this boat in the first place.

Look at the bright though, Janiece, if he gets elected president - at least he won't be your congressman any more...

Janiece said...

Yeah, Jim. Having him as our president would be so much better...