I say "appears to be" because I don't know the man personally. It's tough to make those kinds of judgement calls without any direct experience - look at John McCain. But consider:
- U.S. Naval Academy Graduate
- Awarded the Navy Cross, the Silver Star, two Bronze Stars, and two Purple Hearts during service in Vietnam.
- Served as President Reagan's Secretary of the Navy in the 1980's, and resigned on a matter of principle.
- Wrote detailed objections to our current strategy in the Middle East, including incredibly accurate predictions as to the eventual outcome.
- Currently serving as the junior senator from Virginia, where he is apparently attempting to compensate members of the Armed Forces appropriately for their incredible sacrifices during our current military engagement in the Middle East. He's introduced legislation to improve educational benefits and protect the bonuses earned by wounded service members. That's considerably more than my asshat senator appears to be doing.
And he also writes really good books.
Senator Webb hasn't been in the Senate long enough to determine what his lasting legacy will be, although in general I approve of his voting record. He's currently involved in keeping the Senate session open to prevent the President from making recess appointments.
He's definitely someone to keep an eye on. I read today that the rumor mill has him on the Democratic short list for VP. I think I'd prefer to have him on the short list for the big chair, but at this point I'll take what I can get.
Yeah, Webb's an interesting one to watch. The only thing he can be "swift boated" on is the sex in his books and that's just damned silly. He's got an excellent record (in all arenas) but one of the things I find excellent about his record is that its nuanced. That's not a plus with everyone.
Nathan, I think it's a plus, too. He's a complex man, which in my book is an advantage over being a simpleton.
And a Democrat??? This is looking better and better to me as the current crop of assclowns is making my ankles swell....
Amy, me too. I definitely feel an aneurysm coming on...
I loved working for Webb. I thought he was a stand up guy.
Like you said, I'd much rather see him in the big chair, but at this point I'll take what I can get.
Jim, me too. I was very disappointed when he resigned, but proud, too.
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