For those of you who don't watch Law and Order: SVU or The Daily Show, NAMBLA is the North American Man/Boy Love Association. I can hear you now - "Get out! Does that mean what I think it means?" Why yes, it does.
This is from the Wikipedia article, because I can't bring myself to link the NAMBLA website:
"The North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) is a New York City and San Francisco based unincorporated organization in the United States that advocates the legalization of sexual relations between adult males and under-age boys. It has resolved to 'end the oppression of men and boys who have freely chosen mutually consenting relationships."
We will now pause so the Hot Chicks and Smart Men can lose their last meal.
Seriously? Seriously? What the fuck is wrong with these people?
Don't get me wrong - I have no interest in the sex lives of mutually consenting adults. Straight, gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, one-on-one, two-on-one, two-on-two, S&M, whatever gets you going - knock yourself out. Other people's sex lives reside in the "Who Cares" file. Because they're adults, and they have the right to do what they want, as long as they don't hurt anyone else.
These people, though. This is just so fucked up on so many levels - I don't even know where to begin.
How about the idea that a pre-pubescent child can reasonably be expected to engage in a "mutual consenting" sexual relationship? Or how about the idea that these poor, misunderstood darlings are "oppressed" because of their so-called sexual preference? (Hint: Homosexuality and Pedophilia are NOT the same thing.) Or my personal favorite - the idea that these fucktards call for "the adoption of laws that both protect children from unwanted sexual experiences and at the same time leave them free to determine the content of their own sexual experiences." Because that's what pedophiles really want - to protect children from unwanted sexual experiences. They also claim they don't "provide encouragement, referrals or assistance for people seeking sexual contacts" and that they do not "engage in any activities that violate the law [or] advocate that anyone else should." Yeah, I'm sure that's true. Because, really, upholding sexual predation laws is something the North American Man/Boy Love Association really stands for. They also "work toward making a better tomorrow by educating the public about the benefits of early anal penetration for young developing boys.”
We will now pause so the Hot Chicks and Smart Men can engage in the dry heaves.
Thankfully, law enforcement is not amused. The FBI infiltrated NAMBLA, which resulted in the arrests of three men who were attempting to travel internationally for the purposes of illicit sex. The agent's name was Robert Hamer, and he's my new hero. Other members of NAMBLA have been convicted of various crimes, but the organization itself has never been convicted, mostly because they're defended by the ACLU. We wouldn't want to limit their right to free expression, after all. Especially since they're so oppressed, the freaks.
You know, I'm a big fan of the Bill of Rights. I was a defender of the Constitution for many years. I've always thought everyone should have their free speech protected under the 1st Amendment. Yay, Free Speech! That's me. But these sick bastards give me pause. Seriously, who thinks this is acceptable, even under the provisions of the 1st Amendment? Yes, yes, the slippery slope and all that. I understand intellectually.
In this case, I'm finding that I don't really give a shit about what the fuck is wrong with these people. I simply cannot think of a karmic punishment that fits the crime. So my thought is that whatever is wrong with them, a bullet between the eyes will pretty much take care of it. Not that I'm advocating shooting them in the head, or anything. Heavens, no. I'm simply exercising my 1st Amendment rights. Yeah, that's it.
OK, I must admit, I thought NAMBLA was completely invented by the makers of South Park. I had no idea it was a "real" thing at all.
Shawn, no shit, huh? When I heard about them on L&O: SVU, I thought the writers had made it up in order to move their story forward.
If only.
Well, see folks, if you'd listened to Howard Stern, you'd have known about these asshats years ago. He used to have their spokesman on as a regular guest at least ten years ago. (And yes, he mocked the shit out of them.)
Anyway, I'm all for people stupid enough to not only have reprehensible beliefs, but to form little clubs to promote them. Please, Mr. KKK Man, march down the street so we know who you are. Please, NAMBLA Dude, post shit online so we can find you easier. By all means Mr. American Nazi Party Guy, sponsor a concert and gather all your fellow fucktards in one place where we can keep an eye on you.
The only thing stupider than their credos is the fact that they want to shout them from the roofs. Yay ACLU for keeping them in the public eye. (And that last is not snark. The speech part should not be illegal and anyone who doesn't practice their right to be silent deserves what they get.)
Nathan, you make a good point. In spite of the "yuck" factor, I'd rather know than not know.
Although I have to say that most of these NAMBLA freaks don't actually give their real names or anything. It seems to me that if they were such upstanding citizens, they wouldn't care if the world knew about their membership.
I'd actually be more interested in their addresses, and possibly any food allergies or planned trips to some place without witnesses.
Awe, see, now I'm the creepy one. ;)
Shawn, not really. Remember, if you just talk about it, all you're doing is exercising your first amendment rights!
Because we believe in the first amendment, oh, yes.
Unfortunately, I've known about these assholes for years. I once got into a screaming argument with a drag queen about the morality (let alone the legality) of their "mission statement". What sucked is that I considered that guy a friend until that point, but things were just too icky for me after that. I'm open-minded, but not THAT open.
Cindi, as I mentioned in the post, homosexuality and pedophilia are not the same thing. An important distinction, in my book.
And your former friend? Yeah, drop that person like a hot rock. Bleh.
Not to get a hair across my butt here, (and you know I don't post anything serious very often), but it burns me up a bit whenever anyone equates the ACLU with the people or organizations they defend. Most of our civil liberties are under pretty serious attack right now, and I don't have any doubt at all that the First Amendment would be in tatters if the ACLU hadn't been screaming about every little incursion for years. The reason the ACLU makes such an easy target is that they defend any and all free speech regardless of how heinous it is. They refuse to accept any exceptions to the right. Most fringe movements/organizations/individuals who might have the right quashed, are by definition spouting unpopular nonsense. But letting them be muzzled will eventually muzzle the unpopular speech that isn't nonsense and needs to be heard.[/resnark][/off Highhorse]
Nathan, I don't have anything against the ACLU per se. I understand the function they serve in our society, and I also understand the importance of the "no exceptions" rule. Intellectually, I get it, and as much as it burns my butt to admit it, I know that protecting the 1st Amendment rights of the pedophiles is the price we pay for everyone's rights to be protected. Yay, Free Speech.
That doesn't mean I have to like the fact that the asshats at NAMBLA get some of the best legal representation in the country to protect their right to advocate child abuse. I don't like it, never will. But I do understnad the issues at stake.
Ack! I've got to stop reading your site after dinner.
Actually I'd heard of these sick fucktards. What I want to know is how the FBI determined who got to go undercover to infiltrate the freakshow. There's an assignment I think I'd have to take a major pass on.
And what you guy said about the ACLU. I admire and support the concept of their mission, but damn it's got to be like being a public defender - some times you get to defend Charile Freakin' Manson.
Jim, I did provide pauses so you could lose your meal. I'm nothing if not courteous.
Can you imagine the conversation surrounding who gets to defend this freak show over at the ACLU?
"Jack has to do it. I took the Klan last year."
"No way! I had the Aryan Nation Defense!"
"Okay, let's get Mikey. He hates everything."
What was said above. Love the ACLU, hate many of their clients and what those clients stand for.
Heard about NAMBLA many moons ago. Yet another organization that could drop into a volcano, and I wouldn't get upset, except that they might clog said volcano.
Poor volcano. I'm more of an abyss kind of gal.
I understand why many dont care for this organization and should just go on with there business. You have no problems having many choices to be in a relationship of your choosing. Many do not as they are attracted to is illegal to have an open public relationship and have an enjoyable sexual relationship. I am not in favor of abolishing the age of consent but I think should be lowered to a reasonable age of 6 yrs old. 99% of 6 yr olds are mature and can make all major decisions on there own. Many females are fully mature sexually and can get pregnant as I've had that pleasure dozens of times. As far as other rights as drinking not a good idea, legally to be in porn vids fine by me, marriage don't see a problem, vote not till 16 be appropriate, other issues can be debated. I'm in my late 40's and would love if legal to to enjoy my Posse of Preteen Pussy. I think it's reasonable and right for all of us at this time.
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