'Tis the Season...

Monday, December 24, 2007
The Salvation Army apparently does good work. I can't confirm this, of course, because as a religious organization, they're exempt from filing a federal form 990, but according to their annual report, 17% of their annual expenditures go towards providing services. That's 2% more than my own self-imposed limit for the charities I contribute to, but not too bad.

They also have an institutional policy of discrimination against the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender community. Because the Salvation Army's records are not subject to public review, it's impossible to tell if they are actively discriminating against the GLBT only in employment benefits or opportunities, or if the discrimination also bleeds over into services. I won't conjecture about that, as I have no proof either way. But I'm sure you can guess my private opinion, seeing as how I'm a liberal pinko, or whatever the current epithet is.

The Salvation Army is not a secular organization. They have a right to run their faith-based charity in any manner they see fit. If discriminating against them there gayz makes them feel they're more closely carrying out the mission of Jesus, then good luck with that.

I have a right to donate my charity dollars to any organization I feel is fit to spend it. There are thousands of community outreach programs that compete for my money, including the Good Will, The Women's Bean Project, Head Start, and countless others. Many of them manage to keep their expenses below 15%, and many more don't feel the need to institute discriminatory policies. Since the Salvation Army can't keep their expenses and their intolerance down, then they won't be getting any of my money.


Nathan said...

Discriminating again discriminators? Intolerant of the intolerant? Shame on you. :-)

Janiece said...

Yeah, you're right. I really suck.