As you all know, I've been jonesing for an electric bass guitar. Over the last few weeks, my Smart Man and I have been taking a look at a variety of models, including the Fender J-Bass I originally wanted, as well as the Epiphone EB0 and EB3, the Fender P-Bass, and some Ibanez and Yahama models.
After putting my hands on them, and hearing them played by someone who actually had some skill with the instrument (a very nice customer in our local Guitar Center), I've decided on the Fender Mustang Reissue in Fiesta Red. The scale on the J-Bass and other full-scale models were too long to be comfortable to me, and the EB0 didn't sound very good in the store.

I've also decided on an amplifier - the Peavey Max 112.
My Smart Man is getting me these for my birthday this year.
We had to order the bass, because our local music store doesn't normally stock Mustangs. We much prefer to give our money to our locally owned store (Hi, Allegro!) than to a nationally owned chain like Guitar Center. Unfortunately, Allegro doesn't carry Peavey products, so we'll be buying the amp from another store.
I've also found a teacher. Once the guitar actually arrives, I'll call him and make arrangements for a weekly lesson. I've never read music on a bass clef before, so I have some work to do.
I'm excited!
YAY! A new hobby! IU've been thinking about motorcycle lessons. On a completely unrelated note, I replied to your email from work - undeliverable. I have an issue for a young shipmate that needs help, can you look in your deleted things box and see if my email is in there? By the time I get home I will have forgotten the points I wanted to help him make.....
I can totally see you as a Motorcycle Riding Hottie. Hee!
My comcast account is eating your e:mail before it reaches my Outlook - try to resend to my spam mail - Janiece65-upper case 2-aol-dot-com.
I am so jealous!
If I were to take up a musical instrument again, it would either be bass or banjo.
Michelle, if I end up liking it (and can actually master some level of skill), then my next stop will probably be the mandolin. I just love the way they sound...
Admit it. You're just doing this so the smart-kids will be mortified by their bass-playing hootchie mama.
Then you've heard Johnny Staats yes? (http://www.johnnystaats.com/index2.html
I'm also fond of the hammer dulcimer.
Nathan, my Smart Boy is embarrassed that I have a blog. Because clearly, I'm much too old and unhip to do something as modern as blogging.
Saving him from embarrassment doesn't really concern me when I'm picking my hobbies, although I do try and be low key when his buddies are around.
Michelle, I'd never heard of him, I just enjoy mandolin when I listen to Alison Krauss or Nickel Creek.
Johnny Staats is AWESOME!
I've seen him twice on Mountainstage, where he played with Robert Shafer.
He actually made the NY Times--primarily because his day job is working for UPS, so he was actually getting paid to deliver his own CDs. :)
If you go here http://www.mountainstage.org/playlists.html and search for Staats, you can listen to a Mountainstage show he and Robert Shafer played on.
A most excellent hobby. And embarassing your kids is always a plus.
Do you sing? Then you could be the female Jack Bruce, find a female Eric Clapton and female Ginger Baker, and you'd have the female Cream.
Ooops, you don't do cream. Bad Vince.
You could be "Hot Black Coffee!"
Excuse me a minute Janiece,
I'm just chasing Vince around the internet reminding him he's supposed to be writing something.
Actually, Vince, I do sing. And my Smart Man plays the electric guitar.
So all we need is a drummer.
We could be the local equivalent of Rush!
I wonder if Neil's available...
I luvs me some Rush!
Nathan finally caught me and made me write. The result is over at his blog. So is the explanation of what's going on.
Is good fun!
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