As you all know, I have the Mad Cow. I've written about it, and my avatar reflects it.
Well, frequent commenter Random Michelle recently saw fit to send me this toy because of my close personal relationship with bovine spongiform encephalopathy, and all it's attendant symptoms.
I love my new Mad Cow. Thanks, Michelle.
It's almost impossible *not* to laugh at that cow. It's just so silly!
I'm so glad you enjoyed it--I knew you were the right choice!
Michelle rocks! What a great gift.
Michelle does indeed rock. Like GRANITE, baby.
The funny thing is that after she decided to send it to me, I found a perfect gift for her that I sent along "just because."
So we both decided to send something along spontaneously, unbeknownst to the other.
The UCF is so cool.
OMG, my neighbor would love that (every Xmas we need to see the new animated decoration).
Almost forgot...
Moo, mother fucker, moo.
That is absolutely adorable. And - it may be the first Murphy-made video to be posted on your blog! WTG Michelle. :)
Moo MotherFucker?
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