Busy This Morning

Monday, April 21, 2008
I have to take the Smart Boy's car in this morning for some routine maintenance, so I'll leave you all with the Lazarus Long Quote of the Day: "Freedom begins when you tell Mrs. Grundy to go fly a kite."

I think one of the greatest benefits of maturity is that I no longer give a rat's ass what Mrs. Grundy thinks or says.


Jim Wright said...

RAH is more polite than I am (but then he had a thing about swearing).

Personally, Ms Grundy can kiss my ass.

Jeri said...

Personally, I keep Mrs. Grundy locked in my basement and I toss her a ziplock bag of assorted leftovers every now and then.

Janiece said...

I like Jeri's idea.

Mrs. Grundy can kiss my ass from the cage in the basement.