It's Heee-eeere!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

My new bass finally arrived yesterday!

The amp had been here for over a week, so I've been chomping at the bit, waiting for the bass to come in.

My Smart Man and I went and picked it up after work yesterday, and I bought a gig bag and the beginner's book our local music store uses.

As soon as we got home, I tuned it up, made sure everything worked, and called the bass teacher I was referred to in order to schedule some lessons. I've started practicing using the book I bought, but I think a more structured learning environment will help me improve more quickly, especially since I've never read a bass clef.

I love my new bass. It's purty.


Random Michelle K said...


Of course we're now expecting videos, al la Shawn Powers!

Nathan said...

Yay! Videos!

Especially of the mortified Smart Kids!

Janiece said...

Yeah, I'll be getting right on that video request.

When monkeys fly out of my ass.

Nathan said...

Yay! Flying Butt-Monkeys!

Nathan said...

And videos!

Cindi in CO said...

Videos of flying Butt-Monkeys!

Janiece said...

You people need help.

Random Michelle K said...

I thought that's why we were here?

You mean this ISN'T Internet Addicts Anonymous?

Well, shit...

Jeri said...

Hi, my name is Jeri, and I'm an Internet Addict.

And your new bass is very purty, and I'm looking forward to the (?) audio podcast of your new mad skillz. ;)

Janiece said...

Audio podcasts of butt-monkeys would be more likely to happen, I'm thinking...

Random Michelle K said...

Then we can all stand around and go, "Janiece farted on the internet! Janiece farted on the internet!"

Janiece said...

Michelle, I wouldn't hold your breath waiting for either deliverable. Unless you look good in blue, of course.

Random Michelle K said...

That's no fun at all!

Anonymous said...

Ooh, pretty shiny bass. Whee!

(Not saying nothing about audio or video of flying butt-monkeys, no siree.)

Eric said...

Fender Mustang, nice. I've got a Mexican Fender P-bass that I hardly ever play; I should play music more often, instead of just occasionally noodling around while watching a DVD or waiting for something to load. As it is, I can sometimes play "Money" and that's the only bassline I really know (that said, it's one of those easy-but-fun bass parts that you can just kind of play all day).

You're likely to end up using tab instead of having to read a bass clef, but I could be wrong (I have a nearly-utter lack of formal training, but most of the bass music I've seen was in tab).

Anyway, congrats on the new instrument!

Janiece said...

Thanks, Eric. I'm enjoying it so far.

While I know that many guitar and bass players use tabs, I learned music on the treble clef (I'm a singer). I'm finding it's more natural for me to make the change to a bass clef rather than to tab.