Vacation Day

Monday, April 28, 2008
I'm taking a vacation day today. Not for any particular reason - I just realized last week that I had 16 days of vacation left for the fiscal year, and my company has a "use them or lose them" policy. So if I don't get to slacking before September 30th, then I'm out of luck. That's certainly not going to happen - sticking it to the man is one thing, but letting the man stick it to me is out of the question. Seriously.

The reason I had so much unscheduled vacation is because my Smart Man is currently working as a contractor, and as such, gets no paid time off. He does take a couple days off here and there, but longer vacations are kind of out of the question until the company hires him as an employee. Since I've been with my company for 11+ years, I get 7 floating holidays and 15 vacation days a year, plus sick time. I rarely take the sick time, but it's nice not to have to burn my vacation if I do need a day off because I feel like poo.

So my big plans for the day include:

  • Completing some homework
  • Playing Age of Empires III (with the Conqueror's Expansion Pack)
  • Ignoring Nathan's Meme
  • Watching Tania on Jeopardy!
  • Babying Boogie the Giant Schnauzer
  • Making Toll House Cookie bars for the Smart Man and the Smart Boy
  • Boggling over the idea that giving a masseuse a chastity belt will prevent her from performing other sex acts. (No, I'm not making that up.)
  • Trying to shake off the vague feeling of regret I've had about my life since late last night.

What are you all doing today?


Eric said...

Took the day off because I knew I'd want to sleep in after seeing The Boss last night. So, I slept in. Will probably play videogames, maybe read, maybe watch a movie at some point. Was going to go to the supermarket but it's raining and there's enough cat food for one more day. (Funny how our small, furry parasite friends become the driving force in things like how frequently we buy food.)

All in all, a relaxing day in store. Ahhhhhhhh....

Random Michelle K said...

I'm also sitting at home. I'd planned to just take the morning off, but was so tired last night when we got home I e-mailed my boss and told him I wasn't coming in at all.

I'm planning to re-read as many "Nightside" books as I can in one single day, finish the laundry (maybe), and maybe make cookies, because it's raining and dreary.

But I may just take a nap all day instead.

vince said...

I'll be NOT taking a day off because all these people with broken computers want the things fixed so they can use them again as soon as possible (can you believe that?!) and they're willing to pay me money to make it so. No paid days off is about the only thing I miss working for someone lese.

But of course, I'll be taking a break this afternoon to watch Tania on Jeopardy.

NOTE: The CAPTCHAs on Blogger are gettin' hard for even humans to figure out. I know Google (who bought Blogger) has been get big heat over spammers being able to decipher them with bots, but really, it doesn't help if we humans can't read them.

Just a short side rant. Congrats on all you that took the day off.

Shawn Powers said...

I have 14 vacation days to burn before June 30, so I think I'll be sleeping in quite a bit during the week as well in the near future.

But now... apparently my comment notification thingy is busted again, so I have to go fix that during my lunch break. Grrrr....

Cindi in CO said...

I burned up all my days in Janurary trying not to let the flu kill me.

It's gonna be a loooong summer.

Janiece said...

Update: The cookies are done, doing the homework now, and then I may go play my bass for awhile before I shower.


Shawn Powers said...

I have a hard time playing the bass. It's so darn slippery!

Ba dum dum... thank you, thank you, I'll be here all night. :)