Hey, China - You Suck!

Thursday, April 10, 2008
China sucks.

Not that I'm revealing any great secrets with that proclamation, but I just needed to say it.

And by "China," please note that I'm referring to the government of China, not poor Li Wen who is just trying to support his family.

They suck because their human rights record is deplorable.

They suck because they censor information to their populace.

They suck because they encourage racism in their populace to ensure their citizens don't notice how very sucky they themselves are.

They suck because they intentionally oppress and discriminate against religious minorities in a misguided effort to achieve some sort of homogeneous utopia.

They suck because they jail dissidents and other truth-tellers in an effort to encourage some sort of "I'm sticking my fingers in my ears, lalalalala, we don't have any problems here in China" mindset.

They suck because their actions (or inaction) in the U.N. Security Council have allowed the Darfur tragedy to progress without sufficient U.N. intervention.

They just suck. And the U.S. government sucks, too, because they've allowed us to be shackled to this suckage through economic ties that cannot easily be broken. That part really pisses me off.

I'm thinking it would be really, really funny if Beijing held an Olympics, and no one came.


Cindi in CO said...

I haven't researched this, but I have to wonder what the IOC was thinking when they awarded an Olympics to a country with a government like China's.

For all the reasons you listed, it's just incomrehensible to me. The cynic in me thinks it must have something to do with money. How depressing.

Janiece said...

Cindi, these days, if the IOC is involved, I automatically assume corruption. And yes, that is depressing.

Nathan said...

Well I'm already on record as favoring abolishing the whole thing.

Cindi in CO said...

Nathan, the last time I tried to watch an Olympics, it was tough to find any actual competition. They were much too busy broadcasting "human interest" stories. You know, the athelete went through this, the parents went through that, etc.

A little of that is fine, but I want to see actual events. I suppose this speaks to the tabloid culture we all live in now.

Jeri said...

I'm with Cindi, I like watching Olympic sports, especially the ones that wouldn't normally be shown on CNN. I'm not so big on the formulaic special interest stories or brave little athlete profiles.

Janiece, an additional issue I have with China is forced abortion for second pregnancies as a form of population control. I am pro choice (with a heavy heart too) - but there's no more choice about that than there is about the extreme pro-life agenda.

Janiece said...

I'm a big sap. I like the human interest stories. And the medal presentations. Oh, and the events.

Jeri, I had to stop somewhere, but yes, China sucks for that, too.

Cindi in CO said...

I love the medal presentations too, J.

Jim Wright said...

Well, let's not forget what the Olympics is all about: Fostering a spirit of peace and cooperation between nations and good old fashioned lead pipe knee bashing during the figure skating competition.

I mean seriously, how can you pass that up?

Jim Wright said...

Sorry, typo. That should havie been:

fostering a spirit of peace and cooperation among advertising agencies and retailers.

Sorry, my bad. Stupid fingers

Jim Wright said...

Oh, and you get a shiny new stadium complex in the middle of a slum.

Urban renewal. Go Olympics.

Personally, I think they should have to compete naked, like in Greek Times. Especially in the winter Olympics, go luge.

Janiece said...

Jim, thanks for bringing up the comercialism aspect.

I'm seriously considering boycotting the Olympic commercial sponsors this year.

'Cause I think they're Tards.

But yeah - Naked Luge!

Random Michelle K said...

Think how awesome it would be if the Olympics were nekkid! All the networks would be going crazy trying to come up with a way to cover up all the naughty bits on the fly. Think about the basketball games!

Anonymous said...

Corruption? Crass commercialism? Why, I'm sure the IOC just agreed to hold the Olympics in Beijing because they're naive and believed the Chinese government when told that China would clean up their human rights record and stop jailing people who disagreed with them and the like.

How could the IOC have possibly known that, by cleaning up for the Olympics, the Chinese government actually meant they would be jailing even more journalists and dissidents than ever before?


Naked basketball? Hmmmm...

Thordr said...

Sam Walton's kids suck just as hard, for ruining Sam's dream buying U.S. made wherever possible, providing jobs for Americans, even if it cost a little more, they suck for reinforcing the economic ties that bind our wallets to china.

Janiece said...

Welcome, Thordr.

I couldn't agree more. I think Wal-Mart is evil incarnate, and I will not shop there.

While I think all of the big box stores are guilty of tying us to China economically, Wal-Mart has a disproportionate amount of power.

Plus, their business practices just suck.

Because, clearly, I needed another reason to hate the crap out of Wal-Mart...

John the Scientist said...

HAH! Did you see THIS?