Attention College Educated Presenters!

Monday, November 3, 2008
"Irregardless" is not a word.

Using it makes you look like a dumbass.

That is all.


Jerry Critter said...

Irregardless of what you say, I still think... Oh shit!

Tania said...

I always snort when I hear someone use it. And then give myself a mental dope slap when I use it.

Nathan said...

And what, pray tell, brought on this bout of Irregardless haytin'?

Janiece said...

I'm on a conference call with about 60 other engineers, and one of the presenters keeps saying "irregardless."

Which makes me want to stab her in the throat with a butter knife.

Jeri said...

Actually, being on a conference call with 60 people makes me want to stab myself. It's just too many for any kind of constructive discussion.

Of course, I think that the usefulness of a meeting declines exponentially with each additional person added to the fray. ;)

Janiece said...

Jeri, how right you are.

This was ostensibly a "knowledge transfer," but it more closely resembled that time-honored Navy tradition - a cluster fuck.

Nathan said...

I'm with Jeri

Random Michelle K said...

There are two types of meetings I attend.

One where you show up and are give a bunch of information by the bosses about things that are happening.

Two is where you and one or two other individuals meet to discuss how things should proceed.

Any other types of meetings are a waste of time, and the first sometimes falls into that category.

In fact, I think whoever invented worthless meetings needs a good swift kick in the teeth.

Jerry Critter said...

I avoid meeting by telling clients that I charge double for them. I say I can work or attend meeting, but not both. I've never actually done it, but it does keep meetings to a minimum.

Shawn Powers said...

Suppos"ably" bothers me much more. At least irregardless doesn't trigger a spell check problem. (Sad, no?)

It's supposedly. I'm just sayin'.