'Tard of the Week - 52% of California Voters

Thursday, November 6, 2008
Because taking away the rights of people who are "not like you" does not increase the value of those rights. It simply confirms your own prejudice and bigotry.

So you get to join the 55% of Coloradans who are also 'tards.

Stay strong, my brothers and sisters. We'll get there, it's just going to take longer than we hoped.


The Mechanicky Gal said...

Add in the 'Tards here in CA......
I still don't understand 1 thing. If the GOP is all for LESS government in peoples lives, why are they sooooo interested in getting all up in peoples bedrooms/ovaries/knickers?
Anyone? Buehler?

Janiece said...

I don't get it either.

But Ben Stein thinks ID is an actual scientific theory, so he's not the person to ask.

Just sayin'...

mattw said...

How horrible that those idiots passed prop 8. And how sad for all of those people whose marriages might now legally amount to nothing. Allowing gay marriage does not in any way affect my marriage or make it less real/meaningful to me or the people in our lives.

It's too bad for people I know and love that might have found someone to marry. Now it'll probably be that much harder for them to do so.

The Mechanicky Gal said...

It does seem that any marriage performed before election day is legal and valid!
Yay for small victories...

Tania said...

My friends Lisa and Tiffany stopped over in San Francisco this fall and got married. Which they can't do up here because we have a state half-full of bigoted fuckwits.

I'm glad to hear that their marriage won't be invalidated, but I still think the whole thing is BS. Along with the Arkansas and Florida initiatives. Grrrr.

Hugo Fuchs said...

Some states allow marriage regardless of genders and allow out of state residents to marry in state. Since states must acknowledge marriages performed in other states, it makes things like Prop8 a moot point. So come on and get married.

Janiece said...

Welcome, Hugo.

I'm all about the equal rights, and yes - folks should get married, if that's what makes them happy.

Go, go!