Rockin' da House

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Pay attention to the little kid dancing on the balcony behind the band. That kid is into it.


The Mechanicky Gal said...

Video no longer available.
Was this the one with the little girl rockin' the afro-puffs? The Stevie Wonder clip from Sesame Street? I believe that this one is in teh box set and there is a note that it is not suitable for younger kids to view!

Janiece said...

Amy, try it now.

And yes, that's the one, although I can't tell the gender on this upload.

That kid is rocking that hair.

mattw said...

I haven't seen Sesame Street in a while, but why was it just packed with so much more awesome back in the day and now it's all blah?

John the Scientist said...

Matt - because it's publicly funded and every retard on the right and left wants to protest something, so they strip all the good stuff out of it. Public projects always start out well in the short term and then degenerate because there are too many fingers in the pie.

I mean, come on, which dipshit got this one labeled as not suitable for younger kids? Look at the integration of that band. Two geeky white guys in the horn section, a black guy with a dred hat and someone who looks like Zonker from Doonesbury on guitars, and a blind black guy singing.

WTF, superstition is not a word we want to teach young kids? Seriously, between Tipper Gore and James Dobson we are going to suck all the joy out of life for little kids.