Pimpin', Yo

Saturday, November 1, 2008
My Smart Boy is a vocal musician, and has been singing for six years. Last year he won the "most improved musician" award for the vocal music program in his high school, and this year he's leading the tenor section of his school's top co-ed choir. Go, Smart Boy!

And it's that time of year again. That time of year when the arts programs in our schools must beg for money in order to continue to function. Our local high school is especially fond of its football and wrestling programs, which usually means the arts are chronically short-funded. I won't even get into how disgraceful that is.

So the Smart Boy asked me to post his fund raising material here, so the students can afford things like sheet music and transportation costs to choral competitions.

The website is here, and the student check-out code to use so that the Smart Boy's school gets credit for the purchase is 147112.

Thanks for any help you can give, Hot Chicks and Smart Men.


Random Michelle K said...

Y'know... wasn't Jim supposed to WEAR that outfit?

I have distinct memories of a discussion of Jim wearing that outfit.


Janiece said...

Only if we're willing to buy it for him, for the low, low price of $45.00.

Random Michelle K said...

Hell, except for the hat, I could totally make that--once I start sewing again.

Tania said...

I have a hat a we could re-cover. Haberdashery skillz - I has them!

Janiece, look in the mail next week for a check. I was a theatre geek, I have to support my fellow lovers of the performing arts.

Janiece said...

Thanks, Tania!

Although the Smart Boy's HS is notorious for not cashing checks in a timely manner. If you order stuff online, you can use your debit card and the deduction will appear in a timely manner.

Tania said...

The shipping to here ends up being at least as much as the order, and I'd rather he get more of my $$ directly.

Janiece said...

Gotcha. You can make the check out to "Ponderosa High School Music Department."