Farewell, Phoenix

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

I'm a bit busy this morning, doing the work for which I'm paid, so in my absence, enjoy this tribute to Phoenix, another JPL/NASA triumph.

Seems like JPL is outdoing itself on a pretty consistent basis when it comes to Mars exploration.

Spirit, Opportunity and Phoenix. Go, JPL, go!


Anonymous said...

Aww, you just made me tear up a little. Thank you, Phoenix! *sniff*

And yes, we here at JPL? Do indeedy rock.

Not that I'm biased or anything...

Janiece said...

Carol Elaine, you know what would be really cool? If, when Martian winter is over, Phoenix "rises from the ashes" and suddenly has solar power to charge its batteries! And comes back on-line!

Now that would ROCK.

Anonymous said...

Janiece, that WOULD be really cool.

Damn, now I wish I worked on the Mars stuff!

Janiece said...

Carol Elaine, read this.

It reminded me of you.

Anonymous said...

Ohmig-d, Janiece! I suppose it would be redundant to say that I totally relate, because, well, I do.

I always say that my job is to make my bosses' jobs easier, because otherwise, as Allyson says, "SCIENCE IS NOT HAPPENING, JACKHOLE."

Which may now be my most favorite line ever.

And thank you for the link. I've been by there before, but haven't really sat down and checked out the blog. I really need to rectify that error.