Happy Anniversary to Me

Saturday, November 29, 2008
Today is the First Anniversary of Hot Chicks Dig Smart Men.*

Wow - a whole year.

In spite of the fact that this year has flown by in meat space, it feels like I've been blogging forever. I mean, clearly I haven't - the archives don't lie, at least in this case. But my on-line presence has become an integral part of my life, and I thoroughly enjoy interacting with others through this medium.

Of course, I also enjoy having a space where I can rant publicly at no charge to me, so there you go.

So a big "thanks" to the Hot Chicks Dig Smart Men community, who have made this experience enjoyable, challenging and fun. Here's to future rants, and more bloggy fun.

*And I didn't miss a single day. Nope, not a single one.


Anne C. said...

Happy anniversary HCDSM!
Thanks for bringing such ranty-boogie-gadgets filled fun to Teh Intertoobs!

Eric said...

Happy anniversary!

Random Michelle K said...

I'm impressed by not missing a single day! I figure in all the years I've been keeping my blog I've missed all told a couple months!

Though not recently I must admit.

Jeri said...

Happy blogiversary! It's been a fun year - thanks for sharing a bit of yourself on the web.

And thank your co-star Boogie for us too. :D

MWT said...

Hooray and congrats! I noticed that you didn't miss a single day, too - puts us aspiring writers to shame. ;)

Tania said...

Happy anniversary! I miss weeks at a time.

Thanks for the fun and the fun reads. Especially Who Cares?, a fave of mine.

kimby said...

Happy Blogiversary!

Ilya said...

Happy anniversary, Janiece!