December 10, 2008 is International Human Rights Day, and in support of my friends and family on the LGBT spectrum, I'll be "calling in gay" on December 10th, and instead donating my time to service.
Information on this project can be found here, but it's essentially an effort to mobilize the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender community and their allies in a positive way by using International Human Rights Day to show love through volunteerism. Any time is a good time for volunteerism, but to do so in support of my friends and family who are daily discriminated against because of who they are is a Very Good Thing.
Go, volunteerism. Go, activism. Go, solidarity.
H/T to MWT, who made me aware of the movement.
Hey, that's a cool idea.
"Calling in Gay"
I love that.
As Steve Said, cool idea.
I'm actually on the fence about this. I understand the reasoning behind it, but a Toronto blogger whom I read frequently offers some compelling arguments against it. This is a guy who's been with gay activism for a long time, so he's pretty much seen it all.
Yeah, well, since I work for myself - calling in gay doesn't really have much meaning.
I said to myself "I'm calling in gay today."
And myself responded, "I don't think so, get your queer ass out to the shop and get to work."
Carol Elaine, thanks for the link.
I understand what the author is saying, but as an "ally," I'm not really in a position to "come out," and it's important to me that I make some effort in solidarity.
Yay solidarity! :)
Janiece, I think I'd rather have something at work to show that I support marriage equality. I've been wearing my white marriage equality bracelet and my "Vote Down 8" button on my purse pretty much nonstop. I just have to think of something else that won't get me in trouble (as I do work for a government entity) but would make the desired statement. I'll have to ponder that.
Luckily, everyone in my area knows I'm into politics (my first election day here I brought in donut holes with a sign that said, "Vote Today!") and social issues, so I don't think anyone would be all that surprised.
Jim, I thought your boss was an asshole, not a bastard.
Carol Elaine, I don't think the Boogie Dog would be too impressed with my wearing the items you describe, and since he's the only one I see on a daily basis, I need to find another way.
My company does have a LGBT business partner program. I think I need to join.
Janiece, I'm sure Boogie Dog would think you'd look smashing.
I am in Anchorage that week and have booked a trainer on one project and testing on another. I don't think that calling in sick, short of hospitalization, is very viable.
But there probably is something I can do to support it - just need to figure it out.
Welcome, bstewart23.
You are correct - Carol Elaine is indeed lovely. :)
Thanks for stopping by and giving us your perspective. From my point of view, any activity that opens the door for additional conversation and understanding is a Good Thing, so I understand what you're saying.
From my perspective, it's unrealistic for the LGBT community to believe they will achieve equal rights in this country without support and help from allies. There simply isn't enough of you, and the issue isn't about sexual identity in any case - it's about equality for all humans.
So a program that encourages straight friends and family members to stand up for equal rights is right on target.
As MWT says, Yay, Solidarity!
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