People Are Stupid

Monday, November 24, 2008
Last night I was watching Television with my Smart Man, and as he zipped by a commercial we heard the following snippet:
"I didn't know rheumatoid arthritis could attack my joints!"
Really? You didn't know arthritis attacked joints? Because it so typically attacks soft tissue and organs?

Leaving aside for a moment how incredibly inappropriate Direct to Consumer (DTC) ads by pharmaceutical companies are, how stupid do these marketers think the general population has to be before they write a commercial like this for their campaigns?

Here's a clue, you fuckwits: If your target audience actually has rheumatoid arthritis, and they don't already know the disease attacks joints, they are way too stupid to be making medication recommendations to their physicians about their care.

Seriously. Who thinks this shit up, and then gets paid for it?


The Mechanicky Gal said...

"I didn't think my high cholesterol would cause erectile dysfunction"
Really? You though tyou could eat and drink your way to ao coronary and block you blood flow to vitla organs and your dick would still work wonderfully?

Janiece said...

Amy, I'll be ranting some time in the near future about how ED medication versus birth control are seen and managed in our society - a subject I know gives you hypertension.

But don't worry - there's a pill for that, too.

Random Michelle K said...

I would much rather rheumatoid arthritis attack the Taliban and Osama bin Laden. And if it took a swipe at W, that wouldn't be so bad either.

Janiece said...

Michelle, that wouldn't break my heart.

Steve Buchheit said...

It's advertising execs who don't know squat about diddly (having worked with them I'm in a position to know). I'm sure they were surprised to find out that arthritis is a joint disease.

As for ED medicines, most people don't know how their bodies function, so yeah, I can see that. Besides, as a male, our friend has always worked before and been our friend. So why wouldn't he work okay now? You know, because we don't talk about how young boys are basically on automatic and older guys are stick shift with a tricky clutch.

Also on the Cialis informational page they state that while the effects last 36 hours, they only warrantee one stiffy during that time. What, you have morning wood and your done for the day? That is so totally unfair.

mom in northern said...

That will teach you to turn on the TV.
Now you know why I wear out the "Mute Button" on the remote.

WendyB_09 said...

Ah, yes, but in general, and if you believe the ads (fat chance!), people requiring ED meds are doing it with people not of child bearing age...

wait, there's a pill for that...


John the Scientist said...

"Also on the Cialis informational page they state that while the effects last 36 hours, they only warrantee one stiffy during that time. What, you have morning wood and your done for the day? That is so totally unfair."

Yes, but that stiffy could last for more than four hours. At which time, you'd better see your doctor. Because you've probably contracted your prostate into something the size of a pinhead from over-use. :D

I know, I know, Janiece, I can be replaced. :p

Janiece said...

Actually John, I find it utterly hilarious that a four hour stiffy may result in gangrene on the member.


But that's a topic for another day.


In other news, the tone of the conversation around here has really gone downhill, hasn't it?

Anonymous said...

The thing that CFN and I love about the Cialis commercials (which are run ad nauseum on CNN) are how apparently both partners must be in their own individual tubs outside. That's some weird-ass side effect.

John the Scientist said...

Well, I was thinking that I hope the poor dude with the four hour happy balloon does not also suffer from premature ejaculation. o.O

John the Scientist said...

CE - that's because Cialis also ... no,no,no, even I can't make that joke. ;-)

Tania said...

I know I've mentioned it elsewhere multiple times, but dammit I want an ED ad with a couple of dudes as the couple.

And... I know I'm not the only one that finds it ironic that the constriction of blood vessels can also cause loss of vision.

Usually intercourse isn't what they say makes you go blind. Just like Rogaine probably isn't what's causing the hair to grow on your palms.

Janiece said...

Tania, you are too cool for school.

Jeri said...

There's a guy on the OSU football team named Andy Levitra. Poor guy. He's going to grow up to be a marginally successful ad salesman or something.

It would be a fun Elmore Leonard-esque story: "Speedy Levitra Throws the Game" - or something. ;)

Steve Buchheit said...

It's when I get SPAM for Cialis Soft Tabs that makes me think, "Hey, isn't it supposed to cure that?"

And yeah, I love how the commercials for ED drugs play up that potential side effect, the 4 hour fun toy ballon. It's like they're treating it as a feature. (Although this conversation has gone far enough downhill that we should discuss what the "cure" for that condition is)

Steve Buchheit said...

that should be "that we shouldn't discuss it." It's this damn blue tint to the vision that makes me mistype things and not proof my posts as well.

Anonymous said...

John, just the little bit you typed led me to a visual that, well, would explain the tubs, but EEEWWWW...