Thanks a Lot, Scalzi

Saturday, November 22, 2008
The other day, UCF instigator John Scalzi wrote a blog entry on a new game called Left 4 Dead. Scalzi entitled his entry "Man, If Blowing the Heads Off of Zombies With a Scoped Rifle is Wrong, I Don't Ever Want to be Right."


The Smart Man reads Whatever. And he likes Zombies. And he likes computer games.

You see where this is going, right?

Last night the Smart Man and his Smart Friend stopped by Best Buy and bought two copies of this game. Today, they've spent the morning playing over the Internet, talking on the phone simultaneously.

Since our desks are in the same room, I've been hearing the following commentary all morning:

"Get off! Get OFF!"


"Do you have a health kit?"

"Move, move, move, move! He's coming after me!"

"He's not dead!"

"If killing zombies is wrong, I don't want to be right!"

"This is the perfect, wholesome, family-friendly game for the holidays!"

All against the background of gunfire, explosions and game-based dialogue.

Yeah. Thanks a lot, Scalzi.

Disclaimer: I really don't care if the Smart Man plays games on his PC. I'm not a computer widow, and he's always amenable if I want us to do something else. I just found this scenario amusing.


Anne C. said...

Hee! Glad Smart Man and Smart Friend were up to no good. :D

Jerry Critter said...

Nothing like some good ol' head explodin' to get the testosterone flowin'!

Eric said...

This game looks freaking sweet.

Jeri said...

My son plays "Zombie Panic" on the Steam platform - but the audio chat sounds very familiar. :)

"Medic, medic, is there a medic? I think I'm infected."

Jeri said...

Never mind, Left for Dead is on Steam too, and he's also playing that now.

You know, I enjoy Asteroids and Bejeweled so I think that makes me supremely uncool.

Random Michelle K said...

I'm worse Jeri. I pretty much just stick to solitaire.

Janiece said...

The Smart Man commented that perhaps I was paying so much attention because I wanted to play, too.

Not so much.

FPS really aren't my bag.

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