Nerd Love

Tuesday, November 25, 2008
I've been listening to Fareed Zakaria's The Future of Freedom: Illiberal Democracy at Home and Abroad.

I've always enjoyed his columns in Newsweek, but he's even smarter than I thought.

Would this be considered "Nerd Love" or "Policy Wonk Love?"


Tania said...

Do you consider them to be mutually exclusive? I don't. I think the correct answer is...


Janiece said...

Tania, I knew I could count on you.


Anonymous said...

I'm with Tania. Knowing a fair number of policy wonks (including my roommate), they are most definitely nerds.

The answer is, indeed: yes.

Jeri said...

At some point aren't you going to have to prune your list? Or have them take a number?

Janiece said...

Trim my list?

Jeri, that's just crazy talk.

Tania said...

Hey, if you'll recall Carol Elaine has a seraglio filled with masculine crush objects. The rest of us seem to have lists of men we'd not boot out of bed for eating crackers.

Anonymous said...

Yep, Tania, that is indeed the case. There's no need to trim the list when you can keep them nearby, depending on whom you might be in the mood for that night. My imaginary seraglio is happy to be kept in such imaginary luxury.