Jindal/Palin in 2012? Run! Run for Your LIVES!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009
It seems Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal is giving the Republican response to President Obama's Congressional address this evening.

Touted as the Republicans' up and coming star, it seems pretty clear that Governor Jindal is positioning himself to run against Obama in 2012.

And that scares the shit out of me.

Not because he's posturing and strutting around like a bantam rooster in terms of his response to the President's stimulus bill - that's just partisan politics and business as usual. His hypocrisy on this issue makes him no worse than most of the blowhards who make up those who govern (on both sides of the aisle).

What scares me about Jindal is that he thinks exorcism is a really swell idea for those among us who are, you know, possessed. And he signed a bill into law in Louisiana that gives Intelligent Design an inroad into public school science education.

Here's a guy who's obviously extremely bright (Rhodes scholar, governor at 37), whose intellect not only accepts but embraces the ideas of demonic possession and creationism.

And it appears he wants to run for president.

I just realized we could be looking at a Jindal/Palin ticket for 2012. Or a Palin/Jindal ticket.

Either one makes my liberal self want to run screaming into the night.

Of course, the fact that Governors Jindal and Palin are so extreme in their beliefs may mean that middle-of-the-road America may take a good long look at them and curl their lip in disgust. The last eight years notwithstanding, we do tend to elect (and reelect) centrist leaders.


H/T to my celebrity boyfriend The Bad Astronomer for the graphic.


Eric said...

It's only a matter of time until the Republican nominee for President is a witch-hunter and trepanning advocate, isn't it?

"And I promise you this, my fellow Americans: my Administration will be run with the Black and Yellow Biles properly balanced with our Phlegm and Blood so that our course shall be of temperate and virtuous nature. I shall only nominate cabinet members whose skulls show abundant evidence of bumps for circumspection and wisdom. We shall harness the elements--all four of them--to confront and defeat the energy crisis and sail the currents of the luminferous aether to return to the celestial spheres, even that sphere occupied by the planet we call the sun!"

Well. They are the party of "traditional values," I guess.

Karl said...


Janiece, I'm sure that good sense will kick in about election time, though maybe someone knows something we don't? I was listening to NPR over lunch yesterday and a BBC reporter mentioned that President Obama wants to reduce the deficit by half before the end of his first term in office. The intonation implied there would be a second term. So...

Janiece said...

I still have high hopes, but I'm leaning more and more towards The Onion's Scott Dikkers' viewpoint:

"For evolution to be false, some of the most basic facts of nature that we know to be true would have to be wrong. If you’re going to reject evolution, a lot of well-established science has to be thrown out the window along with it: Chemistry, genetic science, physics.

So I thought, we should, as a society, bar anyone who doesn’t accept evolution from partaking of any technological advance derived from the science that makes evolution true. No access to modern medicine, no access to basic biological, chemical products or knowledge. You want to heat up your food before you eat it? Sorry. You’re eating your meat raw because you don’t believe in germs. And forget antibiotics. You’re on your own. You’re welcome to pray for a better life, but you can’t use science. That’s cheating because you don’t believe in science. If people want to live in the 17th century, let them."

The Mechanicky Gal said...

Excellent Janiece. I hearken back to a gov't co-worker who is a Biblical Literalist, but whose entire paycheck and work structure is based on the results of the science that doesn't exist. Remember: volcanos spew out stuff that looks like dinosaur bones, so they really don't exist! There's no proof! Those "bones" are really lava that has solidified into bone-looking shapes!
But I agree, if you deny the validity of carbon-dating, then doesn't that negate the "proof" of the bible? Aren't all of those finds dated via carbon-dating? And isn't your cell phone that is glued to your ear a result of the scientific advances that started with those old-timey guys that questioned and disproved spontaneous generation and all of those other ideas that evolved in to the scientific process?
They are UBER-PADS!

Janiece said...