The Moon and Venus

Friday, February 27, 2009

Ths is a very poor quality picture of the moon and Venus as seen from our back patio. Trust me, it was much cooler in person.


Ilya said...

It is, still, way cool. I can't imagine what it looks from your backyard.

Karl said...



Naturally occuring emoticons?

Very cool! Couldn't see a thing here last night as it was snowing. Just got in from feeding the snowblower and it's starting to come down again :(

Anonymous said...

It was an amazing sight last night. I could see it from the craft services table as I was waiting between scenes.

mom in northern said...

On the way into the "Y" at dark o'clock on Friday morning. I got to see this desplay.

Venus was sitting atop the slice of moon about a hands clouds and no street lights to complicate the view.

Very cool...