Still Here

Sunday, February 22, 2009

So SmartFriend got delayed in the midwest due to weather, so Demento Dog spent another night here in the Yellow House. He has a special fondness for Boogie's favorite puppy toy, the "Soggy Hog."

Boogie is not amused.


Steve Buchheit said...

Trouble in paradise?

MWT said...

Time to buy another hog?

vince said...

Poor Boogie :-(

Janiece said...

Demento Dog was picked up mid-day, and all is well in Boogie's world.

Anne C. said...

Boogie goes back to hogging all the pets and scratches and doggy-num-nums. As it should be. ;)

('Cause he's a good good boy!)

Janiece said...

Yes, yes he is.