January 'Tard of the Month

Monday, February 2, 2009
It's time for to vote on the January 'Tard of the Month!

This month's contenders are James Tankersley, whose Mensa-certified intellect deduced the true purpose of the UCF, much to our chagrin; Andrew D. Basiago, emo-lawyer who believes Spirit and Opportunity are sending proof of life on Mars, but he's the only one who can recognize it; Tony Isaacs, a proponent of homeopathic medicine who believes Patrick Swayze should denounce that pesky science-based medicine in favor of natural remedies; and Dale and Leilani Neumann, whose belief in superstitious nonsense cost their daughter her life.

What say you, Hot Chicks and Smart Men?


Nathan said...

Not really a contest. You gotta go with the ones who have actually killed someone.

The rest are trying, but they're just pikers.

Jim Wright said...

And not just killed someone, but their own daughter.

And not just killed someone, but decided to forgo a routine, common, fully understood, and easily implemented treatment - in favor of woo woo bullshit.

Yeah, that takes 'tard to a whole new level.

Eric said...

Nathan talked me into changing my vote, I gotta say.

Not that the Neumanns' aren't horrible, foolish people. But "'Tard Of The Month" is usually funny and there's nothing funny about the Neumanns. However, I bow to Nathan's wisdom (and Jim's, now that I'm on the Comments Page) on the matter and cast my vote accordingly.

Sad, isn't it, that one of the people you mentioned (I'll politely refrain from naming names, tho' he doesn't have immunity) can't even win a "'Tard Of The Month" contest? That's a special kind of loserism all of its own, no?

Janiece said...

Eric, I've been vacillating on my own vote, because while I personally think Crankersly takes 'tarddom to a whole new level, you guys have a point about harm caused.

In fact, ole Crankersly really didn't cause any harm at all - he provided hours of cheap entertainment.

And you're right - there's nothing funny about the death of that child at the hands of her parents.

WendyB_09 said...

Are they under the jail yet??


vince said...

Some 'tards are funny, some aren't, but the the Neumanns' will be hard to beat for 'Tards of the Year.

I'm not particularly fond of the nanny state the US has become when it comes to adults, and if you want to believe God will heal you and that means you don't need to ever actually visit a doctor or actually use the brain you were given to help yourself, fine. If you then die, sad for your family, but fine. Your choice, stupid as it was.

But children are a totally different story. Your job is to protect and nurture them! The Neumanns' actions were epic fail of appalling dimensions.

I think the lowest levels of hell are reserved for people who actively or through deliberate inaction kill their kids.

Yes, I'm kinda stabby about this. Yes, that's exactly what I believe. I'm sorry, but when these people die, I hope God looks at them and says "What the fuck were you thinking?!?!" and their daughter gets to push the button that drops the trap door to hell.

/end rant

John the Scientist said...

Though I agree he should not win, I had to give Ol' Tank at least one vote. :D

Eric said...

So much for the unanimous, cohesive, organized conspiracy.

Janiece said...

No shit, huh? Trying to get you people to agree on anything is like herding LOLcats.

Jim Wright said...

Well, shit, now I want to change my vote.

Can I do a write in?