My current PC has a 144GB hard drive, with a 232GB external drive for back-up activities.
Up until now, this has worked out just fine, since I don't play many games. The majority of my space is taken up by my music and audio book library.
But now I'm running out of space. Mostly because I keep finding more and more audio books that I want to listen to, even though I delete them from the drive after I'm done listening to them. My "to listen" list is now almost as long as my "to read" list.
So I'll be moving to a 1TB hard drive this month, to give me some growing room for my audio books. And more pictures of the Incomparable Boogie™, of course. Here he is, waiting patiently for another snack.*
*Boogie is always waiting for another snack, regardless of what he's had to eat that day. The fact that I'm a soft, soft Dog-Mom may have something to do with that.
Awww... fuzzy doggy... :)
LOL ... my sweetie is a photographer, and currently has a computer with 5 hard drives totaling 2.5 TB. Of course, he's still got every text and setup file he's ever saved, which I suggested he delete. You can imagine the rolled eyes at that.
THEN, he finds a Win95 virtual machine that will RUN that old crap!!! Never suggest the smart men don't know what they're doing. ;)
Brianna, SmartMan is a huge geek, as well. I do not try to discern the workings of his ways.
The Husband is also a certified Geek (in part thanks to the USN...). We have 5 working computers in this house for only four people. And that's not including the pieces. For which the Husband wants Jim's basement.
And -- cute and fuzzy Boogie, I like to give dogs treats...
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